Photo Gallery

Well here I am many, many, many, many, many, many, many years ago with my friend Greg Vargas.
Did I say that this was many, many years ago.

Here I am about a hundred years ago (at least thats how long it feels like),
sitting with my fellow camper and friend Elizabeth.

Well here I am, again this time with my Mom and my brother Omar.

Here is my friend Tom Marrero in his mustang during the Puerto Rican parade
in Trenton, NJ many, many years ago.

Here we (I'm taking the picture) are in a cabin in NY,
The two guys in the back are Rob Ayala and Brian Rivera,
and in front are Josh Rivera, Greg Vargas and Gianna Ayala.

Here is my friends Oliver and Susan after they were married,
in the back are the Best man Isiah Marquez and groomsmen Mark Rivera.

Well here I am with my two nephews Michael and Maurice
and trying to get into the picture is my niece Marianna.

Here we are at Colonial Bowling on route 1,
there I am flashing the peace sign,next to me is
Tom Marrero (The guy in the mustang) and standing behind us is Isiah Marquez.

"Darn Paparazzi" actually the girl behind the glove is my friend Anne Luck and her friend Heather Diaforli.
I guess Anne is camera shy.

Here is some of the gang eating at McDonalds on our way to a retreat in NY,
In the back are Johanna Orellana (left) and to the right is Clare Jordan
and in front of them is Juan Carlos Ordenez on the left and "the fry was this big" Tim on the right.

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